Scribble at 2018-04-18 17:40:40 Last modified: unmodified

As these huge questions and doubtful messages show, "Smart Sync" of Dropbox may be a broken feature. We run a backup tool to move folders and files to the Dropbox folder to be saved in their remote servers to reduce a need for more storage at our local computer. But a new folder should be forcefully set as "used locally" and we have to change its status into "used off line" (with Smart Sync) one by one on the context menu of the great Explorer of Windows. Sign. I am not a robot to manage a backup sequence.

1. Current folder: [FOLDER A] for Smart Sync

2. New folder: [FOLDER A] / [FOLDER B] is naturally expected as the same status in Smart Sync featrure.

3. Reality: [FOLDER B] is a local folder as default status. So we have to change its status with the context menu, one by one...

So, Smart Sync does not support a recursive or cascade assignment for new folders and files. It can be a nut.

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